Encouraging interaction, imagination, thinking, story building and communicating
Adjust how you play the games to suit age or abilities
Build a Story game for two to four players
Copy and paste, adjust size to suit and then print onto card the 30 images above. One image per card.
How to play
The aim is to build up a story by linking each card to the last or a previous card.
Place one card face up in the middle of the table.
Share out eight cards each. First player selects one of their cards and places it next to the centre card making up a story to link it to the centre card. Next player chooses one of their cards and places it next to one of the already played cards linking it with a story explanation. Next person chooses a card and places and links that one to another already played card. Keep going and building your story until all the cards are used. When placing cards, you can place and connect them to any of the cards already played, not necessarily the last one to be put down.
Option 2
Place all the cards face down. Each player rolls the dice to determine how many cards to take. If you only get a one then have a second go and add the first dice number to the second dice number.
Take turns to talk about the cards you have each chosen. Each person makes up a story based on the pictures on their own cards.
Stories can be spoken out loud or written down and shared with the group.
Option 3 Memory, concentration, communication
Select any five cards, spread them out face up. Ask child/ren to take a good look and try to remember as much about the pictures as they can. While child looks away or shuts their eyes remove one card. Now ask child/ren to look and say which card is missing. Gradually build up the number of cards to ten, each time removing one.
Option 4 Enhancing skills of observation, communication
Select between three and eight cards. Take turns to pick an object or something shown in one of the images and play I-Spy with the other player/s.
Age (guide only) 4 to 11 years.
Card image credits: Card image credits: All used in accordance with license agreements and permissions at date of purchase or download.Pixabay.com artists: Snowy
scene, Astronaut, Dragon, Pirate, Balloon, Feather, Scissors, Boots, Book, Racquet, Bottle, Bucket,Yachts, Wizard, Mermaid, Igloo, Boy with kite,
Birthday cake, Snowman, Rocket, Hot air balloons, Frog, Lion, Seaside objects, Racing car, Apartment block, Gardener, Red roof house. Richard
and Hilary Hawkes: Mouse and Moon, Bear at table. Shutterstock artist credits: Squirrel in tree: Shaber/shutterstock.com, Boy on bicycle:
Manas_Ko/shutterstock.com, Waterfall: Neilrass/shutterstock.com, Welcome town: Arisa_J/shutterstock.com, Well in woods: Arbit/shutterstock.com,
Four seasons tree: DeepGreen/shutterstock.com, Girl in wheelchair: BlueRingMedia/shutterstock.com, Pink pig: graphic_line/shutterstock, Boy
standing with rucksack: GraphicsRF/shutterstock, Playground (card and tin label) ArtisticCo/shutterstock with pixabay.com artists, Boy on
skateboard: Moriz/shutterstock.com, Horse: GraphicsRS/shutterstock.com, Little girl: Loradora/shutterstock.com, Mouse: Oligo22/shutterstock.com,
Bear on log: Kara Viskova/shutterstock.com, Four owls in moonlight: Iravgustin/shutterstock.com